Great Tips on How to Do a Phone Interview
How to Ace in a Phone Interview
Sometimes, a good resume is not enough to get a candidate in the door. Many companies want the potential employees to go through a telephone interview first. Among a hundred or more candidates, I usually identify about a dozen people who interest me most and call them. Depending on my impressions during a telephone interview, I then meet four or six of these people. Only two or three of them then are presented to my clients.
Before the Interview
Usually, before I wonder how to start a phone interview, I contact the candidate via email, but theoretically, I can call them at any time. So if you are looking for a job and are waiting for a call, make sure to answer the phone yourself.
Unscheduled calls do not work in candidate's favor. If you are called on inconvenient time, schedule another time for an interview. This will also give you some time to learn how to prepare for an interview. No one will blame you if you say something like, "Great to hear from you. I have no ability to give our talk the attention it deserves right now. When can I call you back?" Make sure to take the advantage of time you get and learn how to ace.
How to Answer During the Phone Interview
Listen First
As a rule, the interviewers first describe their expectations, what it takes to achieve success in their company, and what the main challenges are. You cannot know for sure how long are the interviewer's parts of dialog, so it is better to take notes so that you are able to respond to every point when it is your turn to talk.
Then talk
When you talk to someone personally, you have an opportunity to give and get visual cues. During the phone interview, you are able to make an impression only with your voice. A good and unobvious tip on how to do well on a phone interview is drinking lots of water to avoid having to clear your throat. Also, if you have not talked in a couple of hours, it would be great to do some voice exercises before the call. You may not know it, but the posture has an effect on your voice too. So it is better to stand or sit straight during the conversation.
If you have any doubts whether it makes any difference, test it by recording two identical messages - one with and the other without a smile. When you are having an interview, the best time to smile is when you describe the work you have done, ask questions, and express the expectations about work in the company.
End on a Positive Note
Create a positive effect saying something like, "Thanks for your call. I am sure I could perfectly fit the role. I have an interest in this position and would be pleased to meet you in person."
After the Interview
Send a Thank-You Note
Aside from questions to ask after a phone interview, remember to send a brief thank-you note. This way, you will confirm your interest in job and readiness for the next step.
One of the Important Tips: Be Patient
Even when you know how to do a phone interview, you will not necessarily get a reply to the thank-you note. It is recommended to follow up after a week later, and then in two weeks. After three weeks, you can send the last reminder, saying something like, "Dear Ann, I was happy to have a conversation with you on [date]. Please note that I am sending my third message and will not bother you any longer. I am still interested in this position and would be very pleased to make your acquaintance soon." If you know how to nail a phone interview, after this last note, it is up to them.